On Mar 20, 2005, at 4:31 PM, Adam wrote:
Pretend for a second that your first claim is actually correct, that Adaptec does not want to sell hardware. Just what do you think you are accomplishing by trying to convince people not to buy Adaptec hardware, then? According to your words, that's exactly what Adaptec wants.

Your reading comprehension skills are sorely lacking.

I can't make sense of nonsense, but that proves nothing about my reading skills.
You've done a careful job of excerpting prior context away to avoid demonstrating the contradiction your words show.

Do you recognize the author who inspired by remark about A and not A?
Who was it that said "Non-contradiction...A is A"?

Nobody is trying
to convince people not to buy adaptec hardware. Adaptec has convinced
people themselves. Those people are just informing Adaptec of that fact.

And dropping AAC support from OpenBSD 3.7 has nothing to do with it...? Such a claim is disingenuous and dishonest.

Why are you so desperate to try to stop other people's efforts to obtain

I hope open source projects obtain more information from hardware vendors. I oppose efforts to force people to make choices they would not willingly make themselves. That includes the right of a company to keep some information private if they so choose.

Nobody is asking you to do anything.  You are free to use
whatever you want.  Just stop spreading lies and misinformation about
other people's efforts that you clearly don't understand.

First you say you aren't asking me to do anything, yet two sentences later you try to tell me to stop doing something you claim I'm doing.

Contradicting yourself again?
Hypocracy isn't one of your prettier failings, Adam.


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