Sorry for the wide distribution, but it is critical that -CURRENT users
hear this.  Two _MAJOR_ changes just went in to the ports tree that are
bound to cause some pain to -CURRENT users.  

The first is the change in default threading libraries.  The ports
system now uses -lpthread when linking ports instead of -lc_r.  Binaries
that wind up with both libc_r and libpthread in them will cause
problems.  In that case, it is imperative that you report this to the
port's maintainer ASAP.  You can use pkg_info -W /path/to/binary to
determine which port installed it.

Second, Perl 5.8.2 is now the default version of Perl in -CURRENT since
the 5.2 split.  This replaces Perl 5.6.1 as the default.  Note: Perl
5.00503 is still the default version of Perl in the 4.X base OS.

If you experience problems with any of these changes (or with the other
recent changes listed in /usr/ports/CHANGES), please report them on the
ports@ list and to the appropriate maintainers as soon as possible. 


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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