Hello Odhiambo/All,

I seem to have made some progress but final success still eludes me. With modem symlinked to cuaU0.0, this is what happens is minicom :



AT^GETPORTMODE succeeds, but with AT^U2DIAG/AT^SETPORT I get "COMMAND NOT SUPPORT". So how to disable the CD mode and make FreeBSD treat it purely as a modem ? Some of the commands the modem supports (as reported by Windows' device manager) are as follows :

AT+GMM - EC156
AT+FCLASS=? - 0,2.0
       ^HDRRSSI: 31
       ^HDRRSSI: 31

Thanks for any help.


Manish Jain

On 30-Jun-13 19:41, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
Hi Manish,

If you have a Windows PC, use putty.exe and point the config to the COM
port on which the modem is detected to be attached to.
That's how I do it, unfortunately.

On 30 June 2013 16:51, Manish Jain <bourne.ident...@hotmail.com
<mailto:bourne.ident...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello Odhiambo/All,

    I installed and ran minicom. There are 2 devices which are possible
    candidates as the modem : cuaU0.0 and cuaU0.2

    I symlinked modem to each of the 2 devices and ran minicom. With
    both devices, the AT command returns OK, but AT^U2DIAG=0 returns

    Any tips on what to do next ?

    Thanks &

    Manish Jain

    On 30-Jun-13 17:30, freebsd-questions-request@__freebsd.org
    <mailto:freebsd-questions-requ...@freebsd.org> wrote:

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        freebsd-questions@freebsd.org <mailto:freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>

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        When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
        than "Re: Contents of freebsd-questions digest..."

        Today's Topics:

             1. question, following error Shared object "libc.so.6" not
                found, required by "fortune" (Rev Herbert Miller)
             2. Re: question, following error Shared object "libc.so.6" not
                found, required by "fortune" (Polytropon)
             3. ALT key problem with Virtual Box? (Scott Ballantyne)
             4. Re: ALT key problem with Virtual Box? (Polytropon)
             5. Problems getting my Huawei 0x140b USB modem to speak to
                internet (Manish Jain)
             6. Re: ALT key problem with Virtual Box? (Scott Ballantyne)
             7. Baker Invites freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
        <mailto:freebsd-questions@freebsd.org> to spend holiday
                in Goa (John Baker)
             8.  (Upali Kulasekara)
             9. Re: your mail (Daniel Feenberg)
            10. RE: Problems getting my Huawei 0x140b USB modem to speak to
                internet (Manish Jain)
            11. Re: Problems getting my Huawei 0x140b USB modem to speak to
                internet (Odhiambo Washington)


        Message: 1
        Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 10:48:38 -0400
        From: Rev Herbert Miller <herbertmil...@me.com
        To: questi...@freebsd.org
        Subject: question, following error Shared object "libc.so.6" not
                 found, required by "fortune"
        Message-ID: <650f01ca-f62f-49e7-957f-__9bfdc06d6...@me.com
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

        I was trying to use the content management system for our
        website.  I needed to restart on terminal but I keep coming up
        with the following error:  I don't know programing at all, so
        don't know if this is something I can fix.

        Shared object "libc.so.6" not found, required by "fortune"

        Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is
        At least one of these environment variable is needed to run this
        root@psumc:/usr/local/tomcat5.__5 # bin/startup.sh
        Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is
        At least one of these environment variable is needed to run this
        root@psumc:/usr/local/tomcat5.__5 # su -c 'killall -9 java'


        Message: 2
        Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 17:58:31 +0200
        From: Polytropon <free...@edvax.de <mailto:free...@edvax.de>>
        To: Rev Herbert Miller <herbertmil...@me.com
        Cc: questi...@freebsd.org <mailto:questi...@freebsd.org>
        Subject: Re: question, following error Shared object "libc.so.6" not
                 found, required by "fortune"
        Message-ID: <20130629175831.b2bf7fcb.__free...@edvax.de
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

        On Sat, 29 Jun 2013 10:48:38 -0400, Rev Herbert Miller wrote:

            I was trying to use the content management system for our
            I needed to restart on terminal but I keep coming up with the
            following error:  I don't know programing at all, so don't know
            if this is something I can fix.

        In worst case, notify your system administrator.

            Shared object "libc.so.6" not found, required by "fortune"

        This kind of error often indicates an incomplete system update
        were libraries are "out of date" or missing. What way of system
        update has been performed?

            root@psumc:/usr/local/tomcat5.__5 # bin/startup.sh
            Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable
            is defined
            At least one of these environment variable is needed to run
            this program

        That can be a side effect, maybe some accidentally overwritten
        configuration file or a program that's unable to run due to a
        missing dependency?

        What happens if you manually define those variables to the proper
        valies and try again, e. g.

                 # setenv JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/<where your JAVA stuff is>
                 # setenv JRE_HOME=/usr/local/<where your runtime lives>
                 # bin/startup,sh

        Does this produce a different result?

            root@psumc:/usr/local/tomcat5.__5 # su -c 'killall -9 java'

        That command doesn't make sense. The prompt indicates that you
        are already root. The -c parameter for the su command is missing
        an argument, the class". See "man su" for details, no programming
        knowledge required. ;-)

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."
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