On 14/05/2013 14:31, dweimer wrote:
> I can confirm that PostgreSQL will not run in a jail without sysvipc
> enabled, I just setup a jail running PostgreSQL a few weeks ago and had
> to do that as well.  PostgreSQL will not start without it enabled,
> though perhaps there is some setting change in PostgreSQL that will make
> it not require this.  In my case its the only jail, and I am the only
> user with access to both the base system and the jail so I wasn't to
> concerned about it allowing more access to the base system from the jail.

postgresql-9.3beta1 was announced a few days ago, and one of the key new
features is switching largely away from sysvipc to mmap for shared memory.


Unfortunately I don't think it's entirely sysV IPC free yet. But
postgresql93 is available in ports.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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