David Demelier wrote:
Hello dear,
Does jail.conf(5) does not work for jails listed in the rc.conf ?
I've added in /etc/jail.conf:
foo {
And in /etc/rc.conf only foo in the jail_list parameter, but when I try to
start the jail it still complain about missing hostname.
There are 2 methods for configuring jails.
The legacy method which you put the jail config statements in the hosts
/etc/rc.conf file and start and stop control is done by the hosts
/etc/rc.d/jail script at boot time.
The jail(8) method which has it's own jail config statements in the
hosts /etc/jail.conf file and uses the jail(8) program for starting and
stopping. You can create a jail.conf file for each jail(8) and start it
using jail -c -f "/etc/jailname.jail.conf" and stop by issuing
jail -f "/etc/jailname.jail.conf" -r jailname
You can not mix the 2 methods.
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