On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:
> El día Friday, May 10, 2013 a las 12:59:01AM -0700, Waitman Gobble escribió:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> I use graphics/burplex to preview / make selects when I'm on the road,
>> it stores in a text file for easy scripting / batch processing. It's
>> in the ports tree. If you want to batch process 'quicker' on a
>> multi-core system you can try dcraw-m and multiraw, which are in gnats
>> pr at the moment. Otherwise the burplex port runs OK with regular
>> dcraw.
> Hi Waitmann,
> I went to the web side of www.burplex.com... do I understand this right,
> that the selected names with their leading dir are just stored in a text
> file ".selects" for further processing? If so, that would be exactly
> what I was looking for :-)
> Thanks
>         matthias
> --
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> Matthias Apitz               |  - No system with backdoors like Apple/Android
> E-mail: g...@unixarea.de     |  - Never being an iSlave
> WWW: http://www.unixarea.de/ |  - No proprietary attachments, no HTML/RTF in 
> E-mail
> phone: +49-170-4527211       |  - Respect for open standards


Yes, it is a simple qt4 program which allows the user to quickly
browse RAW or JPEG files and toggle/mark 'selects', which is stored in
a plain text file. This file can easily be fed into a batch-process
command / script. It does *not* offer any other features, such as
sharpening, crop, red-eye, color adjustment, etc. If you use the dcraw
in ports, it does not do 'auto orient', so if your wife is shooting
with this feature disabled on her camera the images _may_ appear
sideways. I have an updated dcraw-m that reads the orientation
information and rotates the preview image, but otherwise it works
fine, it's perfectly usable without it. :)

Also might check out this 'beenie' program that I use to automatically
download cards onto the computer. Basically after a shoot I can stick
in 4 SD cards at once and the software automatically creates folders
with the date, and copies the contents and pre-processes the files. (I
use it for video, I realized I was spending alot of time loading one
card after another and copying the contents, etc). It's more of a
hack-type program, but I've been using it for about a year without
trouble. It would likely need some customization for your specific
system/needs.  https://github.com/waitman/beenie

Waitman Gobble
San Jose California USA
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