On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've updated yesterday the laptop of my wife to FreeBSD 10-CURRENT and
> ports fromm SVN head, all fine with one exception:
> she is used to make photoalbums of the pictures (JPEG) and publish them
> on my webserver; she selects in kphotoalbum the pictures she wants (by
> clicking them) and the application puts them together, with thumbnails,
> to a tree which just goes per SCP -rp to our webserver;
> since the update she is without this application because the KDE3
> version does not exist in head and the KDE4 version does not compile
> even :-(
> Is there any other tool for this? I know about webgallery, but this has
> not the pre-build phase (selecting images); any other idea?
> Thanks
>         matthias
> --
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> Matthias Apitz               |  - No system with backdoors like Apple/Android
> E-mail: g...@unixarea.de     |  - Never being an iSlave
> WWW: http://www.unixarea.de/ |  - No proprietary attachments, no HTML/RTF in 
> E-mail
> phone: +49-170-4527211       |  - Respect for open standards
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Hi Matthias,

I use graphics/burplex to preview / make selects when I'm on the road,
it stores in a text file for easy scripting / batch processing. It's
in the ports tree. If you want to batch process 'quicker' on a
multi-core system you can try dcraw-m and multiraw, which are in gnats
pr at the moment. Otherwise the burplex port runs OK with regular

If you want something more elaborate try graphics/shotwell or
graphics/f-spot I suppose. If she is really into photography she
should check out RawTherapee for sure. But newer version than
currently in ports, I posted an update pr - which installs - but it
needs a little more work. I've been recently creating square
thumbnails manually with gimp and saving full size and thumbnail to
local computer, which has a public ip address. eliminates need to
upload anything :)

Waitman Gobble
San Jose California USA
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