On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:46:21 -0400, Jerry wrote: > On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:11:32 +0200 > Polytropon articulated: > > > On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:39:05 -0400, Jerry wrote: > > > Printing under MS Windows is a breeze. > > > > > The *nix community has never > > > gotten printing up to that lever. > > > > It _had_, past tense. :-) > > > > > While there are those who continually > > > blame the "manufacturers", the truth is that any COO, CFO {or any > > > other alphabetic combination that you like} that seriously proposed > > > the creation of a department dedicated to the writing of drivers for > > > non-windows based systems, a department that would therefore have a > > > zero based projected cash flow, would be removed from office > > > posthaste. > > > > Fully agree, but if established standards would have > > been truly adopted by the manufactueres for their > > products, there would be no need to develop any drivers. > > One standard interface could address all printer > > functionality, and maybe even more, such as scanning > > or faxing functionalities quite common in the "egg-laying > > wool-milk-sows" we see on the consumer markets. > > First of all let me say that I love standards; there are so many of > them to choose from.
I _knew_ you would bring that statement. :-) > Secondly, I seriously hope that never comes to pass. Once you lock > yourself into one specific interface the ability to innovate has been > removed. I cannot think of a worse possible scenario. Yes, this is a common problem with standards that are narrow enough to _prohibit_ innovations, instead of providing help for them. Standards like bus architecture and cabling are the reason why many new products have been developed in the past, bursting the margins of what those standards provided. Just think about the transition of buses where GPU hardware plugs in. Still we do _not_ see a situation where every GPU manufacturer requires its own expansion slot. Other standards come from the media industry. Again, selling items is the key here. If each publisher would have used his own format to distribute music or movies, what a mess it would be. "No, you can't play a Warner movie on a Sony player, you need a Samsung player of 2008 or 2009 to play it. The 2010 version cannot be used anymore, as they switched to a new innovative format." In such an imaginary case, it would be nonsense to speak of standards. Standards are a form of consensus among many parties. Sadly, some standards are seen as "the worst common solution" in some fields, especially from a technical point of view. Still they are used because they just work. They have _proven_ to be reliable - this is something new technology CAN'T simply because it's too new. It's comparable to claim that a pharmacy product doesn't have any long-term effects right after introducing it to the market! > Three million years ago a branch of man figured out that he could > sharpen a stone and use it to cut with. A new standard was born. One > million years later that same branch had not figured out that they could > attach a short piece of wood to that stone thus creating a handle and a > new tool. They died out obviously. A perfect example of what happens > when you cannot adapt. Adoption is the strength of the week. :-) > Standards in some circumstances may have their place; however, when > they lock you into a culture where you are unable to adapt to newer > technology or where your ability to innovate has been squashed, then you > too are doomed to oblivion. Fully agree - and if you are honest, it's the same thing with proprietary products that live under the reign of planned obsolescense. They are defined to work under specific circumstances for a finite time that the manufacturer sets up implicitely. This means you have to say goodbye to a technology that exactly fits your needs, but its manufacturer wants to sell you something new that _maybe_ fits your needs, _maybe_ not, or with increased work or time (to _make_ it work _again_). Standards are the key to introduce new products. Even in the realm of innovation, the typical question of customers is: "Can I use it with...?", and that is also the reason why there's still so much legacy technology around. Just think about a quite popular 10 year old "Windows" that's still in wide use, even though it's obsolete since its introduction. Adoption? Innovation? Improvement? No thanks, we use what we know. > > Sadly, "the one standard" doesn't seem to exist, and > > manufacturers are not willing to discuss one. Of course, > > such a standard would have to be free and open, so any > > OS could implement it. > > There you go putting restriction on how such an "standard" should be > implemented. Yes. In my opinion, this is a requirement to be provided on a free market. Or people wouldn't have learned anything from the big fails of history. > I have a better idea. Why doesn't the *nix/*BSD {pick any > other letter combination that turns you on} agree to one uniform method > of implementing printer drivers and then let the manufacturers > implement it on their end. I would _LOVE_ that to happen! You can't imagine how often I'm claiming that the UNIX and Linux world should be the first one to introduce a really universal interface where hardware developers could simply plug into, and then write their drivers, open source or not (it's their decision). Stable ABI and API are mandatory here. On the other hand, such a stable interface could also be seen as limited. "It doesn't have the feature XY we want for our driver" could be a typical claim. Really, I always did assume that some part of CUPS (or Gutenprint, Foomatic, choose one, I've not fully understood what those exactly are, I admit) _is_ that uniformed method you're talking about. > I have spoke to two company reps in the > past year, one regarding printers, and both stated outright that the > thought of writing and maintaining drivers on a multitude of platforms > scares them to death. The problem is not with the manufacturers but > rather with the fragmentation of the non-windows arena. Even the "Windows" land is fragmented, as there are so many of them with incompatible infrastructures, leading to obsolescense because a driver of version X doesn't work anymore on version Y, and the printer manufacturer did decide not to support version Y. According to market share, UNIX and Linux are not important enogh on the main market, which is the home consumer market. This might chance when more and more "deviants" walk out of "Windows" land and move to Linux. Still "the Linux" is not a target, as you correctly pointed out. The "problem" with the manufactuers, as I explained, is that they think in unit sales. The majority decides here, or let's say the percentage of market share. It is that simple, and even understandable from a financial point of view. Units can be produced cheaper, so more units are sold, and the investition for keeping the drivers for _one_ version of "Windows" seem to justify it. > I remember when "Hayes" ruled the modem world. The "Hayes command set" > was the de facto standard. The along came U.S. Robotics and said, "Screw > you Hayes and your friggin command set. We can do it faster and better > without your crap." And, they did. The same can be said about Epson and > their printer command set. Hell, the list goes on and on. Today, PS or > PCL (there are strong supports on both sides of the aisle) might be > king, but what about tomorrow. Yes, that's what I'm also thinking of. It's not hust a transition in protocols or languages, but also in hardware, in cables and connectors, in form factors and slot sizes. > Locking yourself into any technology is > suicide. The term "vendor lock-in" appears in this relation. It's as dangerous and expensive as _any_ lock-in. As soon as your own business is blocked because a key technology isn't supported anymore, you're out of business. > Classical "Dinosaur Thinking" as it is referred to in the > business world. You may refer to IBM as a living dinoraur. I'm sure you know that essential (!) infrastructures, hardware and programs are run on OS/360 derived systems. They date back more than 40 years, and they are closed source. Still there is a massive backup with money to keep that technology alive and IN USE. Also see the AS/400 derived systems, same thing. This means: With enough money, you can keep any technology running, be it superior or inferior, intelligent or stupid, efficient or consuming. (You can easily conclude WHERE such dinosaur-like technology is in use: Yes, in fields where money doesn't matter, i. e. governmental installations and other areas funded from public money or big corporations that see a SHIFT in their technology as even more expensive than keeping their dinosaurs on artificial life support.) > You do know what happened to those creatures when they > could not adapt don't you. They live in museums where people pay money to see them. :-) > The fact that companies do not directly support *BSD, etcetera is not > news. The fact that FreeBSD does not support the technology that is > available (does the phase "N Protocol ring a bell") is the problem that > should be addressed. Yes, it should. I just think it's again a problem (or a fact) of financial backup on BSD's side. Here the fact applies that BSD isn't measured in unit sales (and therefore not in market share), so it's considered fully unimportant, even non-existent. > > There's a reason for that: Companies that develop > > printers want money. They need to continuously sell > > printers, and there's an ongoing "renewal" of hardware > > and software, e. g. new printer requires new OS, new > > OS requires new printer. This is done by planned > > obsolescense. > > You can make that statement in regards to cars, airplanes, etcetera. It > is just an empty sound bite. By the way, since the days of DOS, I have > never purchased a printer that then required me to update my OS. Usually the printer version X doesn't require it, but the printer version X+1 does. It's often "the next thing" that reaches the border of what's possible with the current installation. I've seen companies moving complete infrastructures to the garbage dump because one "key feature" wasn't supported, and therefore everything was bought new. The "rotation time of hardware" depends on many factors. To name one example: A small company has been using a set of card readers. Then a new appliance was introduced to the company, but this one, the "key technology", did not work with the established card readers anymore. The "next thing" in the product line of card readers didn't have support for their current "Windows", so they had to buy a fleet of new PCs to run a newer (today also outdated) "Windows" in order to fully activate the "key technology". Just maybe... if they had purchased a different product for their "key technology" that did work nicely with the established equipment, they could have saved lots of money - assumed of course that a competitor would offer such a product on the market. > I have the ability to use a driver from Win95 up to XP, and in a few > case even Vista. Depends on the hardware and the driver. As I said, I've seen many contrairy examples. > On the other hand, updating FreeBSD to a new major > version number and in the case of the nVidia display driver even a > minor number, causes me to force a rebuild of the system. Just for > clarification, a minor system update with nVidia only causes me to have > to rebuild that port. The same exists also for at least LSOF. There may > be more however. Since the introduction of binary updates, this shouldn't be a problem. Even on our today's plentycore processors with tenmelonhundred gigahertz and tons of GB RAM this should be a simple task. In my opinion, this is far easier and more comfortable than some... alternatives. There's always the option _not_ to update, as it is also very common in "Windows" land. Just keep what you have, and never touch a running system. However, introducing _new_ hardware to such a system can lead to problems. I'm typically encountering this with home consumer products in the printing, scanning and multimedia sector, and of course very often in wireless. Then I remember how easy the use of a SCSI scanner was. Put in controller card, load ahc module, start xscanimage. No drivers, no fiddling with permissions, no compiling, not tons of ports to install - just works. > At some point though support for anything will cease, unless you prefer > to live in the dinosaur age. Again, this _highly_ depends. There are many customers who do not intend to "advance" as industry wants them to. They do a specific set of actions and establish a toolset that exactly does that. In their opinion, they want to use that toolset until they will be retired. And there are also examples where handcrafters use tools they got from their father, and the father got them from his father and so on. There isn't much you can invent on a hammer. :-) > > On the other hand, this business model benefits the > > development of new technology (financed by unit > > sales), and making technology cheaper to purchase. > > Business 101 > > I know dozens of college students that use inexpensive ink-jets > printers because the are: > > 1) inexpensive > 2) easy to install Inexpensive is a typical short-term view. The printer is cheap, as it doesn't contain much electronics (as there is no "intelligency" for turning data into inkhead movements, this is done by the PC, the printer just needs to count page loads to determine when it's supposed to be BROKEN), but the ink may be more expensive than the printer. Recently seen: Printer for 25 Euro, cartridges (ink reservoir plus printing head) 20 Euro + 30 Euro. Oh, and regarding printing: The Jevons paradox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox Just BECAUSE it's so inexpensive, it will consume resources much faster (ink and paper). The "easy to install" claim can be invalidated by the fact that most "computer-illiterate" people delegate the work to install a printer to someone else, leading to the misbelief that it has been easy (as they didn't have to do it theirselves); I know many "PC professionals" who are fully unable to perform an "easy install" on their own, even _if_ it is really easy. > Trying to get an ink-jet printer to work on FreeBSD can be a whole new > experience in frustration. Oh yes. > The manufacturers created a product to fit a > particular niche in the market place. The fact that FreeBSD cannot > accommodate that is a problem. FreeBSD simply isn't an attractive target audience at the moment. See market share for a "non-market product". > I just spent several hours trying to convert a linux printer driver to > work on FreeBSD. Of course, both platforms use a different hierarchy > which then requires me to attempt to manually modify the files to point > to the right location, etcetera. A commonly known program. And hierarchies differ among Linux distributions too, so even if there's a driver for one system, it doesn't neccessarily work on a different one. > I still have not gotten it to work. > This is with only one driver on one PC. I can easily see why any > manufacturer would not want to be bothered with this bullshit. Most "help centers" would be unable to deal with UNIX stuff as it requires thinking, reading, deduction and abstraction, and it cannot be run by a "point by point" checklist. > Microsoft has used the same basic method for the installation of > printer drivers since Win95. System's "Add / Remove", installer provided by the manufacturer, .INF files, various "wizards", use of the printer "control panel"... all with a different look & feel depending on the kind of "Windows" you're using - yes, this colorful dance is the basic method since "Windows '95". > However, you cannot even get Linux/*BSD, > etcetera to agree on a common, uniform hierarchy for and method of > implementing printer drivers. I couldn't care less if they used CUPS. > LPR or whatever just as long as they get a unified method in place. Yeah... still returning to business 101... as unit sales are insignificant in the Linux and BSD markets, manufacturers wouldn't invest work in making separate printer drivers. The idea would be to have an OS-independent solution, but I would assume this never gets through. > If such a system were in place, there would be no problem in getting > developers to write the necessary drivers. Hell, if they did it right > they could use the Windows drivers. Yes, as I said! This of course would require some very specific kind of compatibility that is not given in relation with proprietary closed-source products. As I mentioned in my previous message: This would introduce the ability of free operating systems to keep things working that the manufactueres want to remove from the market to sell a new product. > However, we both know that they > (the OS developers) would rather bite off their nose than do that out > of pure spite. Hmm... I wouldn't see any problems here as long as it is possible with acceptable investition. Of couse, as soon as lawsuits in patent law, licensing and other non-market stuff enters the field, every attempt is sentenced to die before it starts. When customers can be held liable for using a printer driver... -- Polytropon Magdeburg, Germany Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0 Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ... _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"