On 27/10/2011 16:29, Polytropon wrote:
> In my opinion, CUPS is the "Windows" way of doing things,
> not the UNIX way. Hate me for having that opinion, but I
> feel to say it.

Actually you can't blame Bill for this one.  CUPS is an Apple / MacOS X
thing.  I must say, it works really smoothly on my MacBook -- I just
plug in the USB cable from my printer and hit print -- but I never got
it to work properly under FreeBSD.  (Mostly that was because I had the
system lpr working just fine on my old FBSD machine connected to the
printer using a parallel port.  Newer hardware doesn't even have a
parallel port now.)



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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