Net, I've formatted drives as fat32 that were well over 4gb. In fact I have
an external 120gb we datavault that's fat32

-- Sent from my Droid
On Feb 6, 2011 5:25 PM, "Mario Lobo" <> wrote:
> On Sunday 06 February 2011 17:48:45 Chris Brennan wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Eric Schuele <
>> > I realize NTFS on fBSD has been shaky in the past, but had heard it had
>> > come a long way these days. It does seem to work well for all my
>> > purposes, except these VMs. Had hoped NTFS was not the issue.
>> ntfs/ntfs-3g is foolhardy at best in linux *and* fbsd ... it's trashed so
>> many drives.partitions on me it's not even funny anymore... and I never
>> much w/ them except small stuff anyway. If you need to access the volumes
>> in *nix/windows then why not FAT32 then? I use a FAT32 drive for my music
>> so I can access it in any OS reliably and the drive is now 6+ years old.
> FAT32 max file size is 4Gig.
> --
> Mario Lobo
> FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99% winblows FREE)
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