On Sunday 06 February 2011 13:09:47 Eric Schuele wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, however,  I've already tried this (sorta).
> From my original post...
> >> I did try a windows guest on a non fuse filesystem just to rule that
> >> out, but had same issue.
> I suppose it may have been a little less than clear.  By "non fuse
> filesystem"  I actually meant UFS.  The problem still persisted.

> > NTFS file systems on FreeBSD or even Linux are OK only for doing small
> > r/w stuff. I use the ntfs-3g which is really good but don't trust NTFS
> > for heavy usage under those OSs. Sometimes it's not even trustable under
> > windows itself.

My bad!. Sorry!. But it seems that you're right. Looks like the issue is not 
the FS then.

If you're building from the ports, try the svn version from:


It's already version 4.0.2 there.

> I realize NTFS on fBSD has been shaky in the past, but had heard it had
> come a long way these days.  It does seem to work well for all my
> purposes, except these VMs.  Had hoped NTFS was not the issue.

> I've not tried the EXT IFS for windows yet, nor had I heard much
> regarding their success or failure.  If your willing to go out on a limb
> and say "very good drivers for any version of 32/64 windows"...  I'll
> give it a try, and post my results.  :)

Forgive me if it sounded "on a limb". Didn't mean to look like that. The only 
reason I mentioned it is because it's exactly the way I've been using. I have 
triple boot system. BSD AMD64, XP32 and Win7 64 and the IFS driver works 
flawlessly on both windows, and all 3 Vboxes accessing the same VDIs. Because 
of that, I believe I may have got carried away by saying "any win version".


Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99% winblows FREE)
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