El día Tuesday, January 12, 2010 a las 03:34:58PM -0500, Colin Albert escribió:

> >You should be able to try this using the online demo. 
> >http://www.webex.com/go/live_demo  if it works the download will be 
> >automatic. I am still trying to make it work as well.
> >
> >-Colin
> Followup: I was able to make this work by changing my user agent from:
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091106 
> Firefox/3.5.5
> to:
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091106 
> Firefox/3.5.5
> So it looks like linux_base-f10 is not required.
> The first time I tried this firefox crashed. Then I opened firefox from 
> the command line to see if I could see the error, and it is working now. 
> I am still testing to see what functionality does/does not work.
> I am using 8.0 Stable with diablo 1.6 and firefox 3.5.5.

I did now (thanks for your help, Colin):

- installed the 'User Agent Switcher' addin in Firefox 3.0.7
- changed the user agent to the above Linux Mozilla
- installed diablo-jre-freebsd7.i386. and activated the
  plug-in in Firefox

this let me see the introduction in http://www.webex.com/go/live_demo
which seems to be only a flash movie;

but when I go to some real recorded webEx session the Java VM crashes
with some Exception that 'trustAnchors paramater must be non-empty';

I checked the same URL at http://www.mindleaders.com/ with a MS IE and
there it down-loads for a minute or so some WebEx player, starts this
and play the session...

Any idea? Thanks


Matthias Apitz
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