> Matthias Apitz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Has someone had luck with watching a WebEx session on FreeBSD based
>> desktop? As far as I understand, it is somehow Flash and RDP based, i.e.
>> some tools like Firefox with flash and a RDP client are required.
>> I'm always forced to launch a VM with XP to watch such sessions and it
>> would be good for me to overcome this situation.
OK - I signed up for another 14 day trial, and eventually at some point I 
always arrive at a page that says: "Support Not Available Meeting Center is 
not available for your computer's operating system. For information about 
system requirements, please refer to the  FAQ  support."

I even tried using Konqueror's sending browser ID as IE7 on Win XP. Still 
ultimately ends up here. So FreeBSD is not a supported OS, also not on their 
list in the FAQ either. So it seems they have decided specifically to 
disallow participation by anyone using FreeBSD.

I guess they don't consider anyone using FreeBSD to be commercially viable. 
This sucks, and I will make a complaint when I hunt down their "Feedback" 
area. As far as I can tell (IMHO) so far is I don't see any reason why it 
should not work. I have both functional Flash and Java.


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