On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 22:30, Tim Aslat wrote:
> In the immortal words of Joe Marcus Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > Unless you're using mozilla-devel-gtk2, then the recent GTK upgrade
> > will not affect you.  If you are using the GTK-2 version, you should
> > do a rebuild of it after making sure glib20, atk, pango, and gtk20 are
> > all up-to-date.
> Hmmm, ok.  any other ideas.  I've just done a complete upgrade of all my
> mozilla (embedded & headers) to 1.3b,1 and I'm still seeing the same
> thing.  I also totally wiped out the mozilla directories before doing
> the installation.
> Any other ideas?

You can try rebuilding Mozilla with -DWITHOUT_XFT.  This will disable
the Xft font engine, and make font rendering like it was in 1.1.  Other
than that, it might be something screwy with your setup.  I have Mozilla
in some form or another working on five different machines without any


> Cheers
> Tim
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