On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 19:45, Tim Aslat wrote:
> In the immortal words of Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim
> >     Ever since I upgraded to KDE 3.1 and all the relevant packages
> >     and ports, 
> > I've been unable to use Mozilla. It will not even start. Here's the
> > error message.
> I'm getting the same messages, but here's more information
> I don't use KDE/Gnome (I use fluxbox instead) and I'm getting the same
> problems.  I have updated mozilla-devel to 1.3b,1 with the same
> problems.  I've deleted the .mozilla directory and tried to restart with
> the same results, except now I get a segmentation fault.
> This has only happened in the past couple of days, and may have
> something to do with the GTK libraries being upgraded rather than KDE.

Unless you're using mozilla-devel-gtk2, then the recent GTK upgrade will
not affect you.  If you are using the GTK-2 version, you should do a
rebuild of it after making sure glib20, atk, pango, and gtk20 are all


> Cheers
> Tim
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