Hmm, how did you end up with 7.2 installed, with the old /usr/X11R6 dir?
I thought that went away in the transition from 6.9 to 7.2...

So it apparently should be..

Anyhow, following Kris' instructions in UPDATING should see you through
the upgrade OK. I did it quite painlessly on a few machines, although
others did report difficulties. If it comes to it, you can uninstall
all your X-related ports and do a clean install of Xorg 7.3 - it'll
take a while, but it will get the job done.

According to the instructions:

 Unfortunately portupgrade (nor portupgrade-devel) cannot yet handle
  the rigors of the xorg upgrade without a small bit of help:

  # portupgrade -Rf libXft

results in:

** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
        * x11/xorg-libraries (xorg-libraries-7.2_1)
--->  Packages processed: 112 done, 47 ignored, 1 skipped and 0 failed

So I guess I'm gonna do a clean install of all of X....but can you tell me which packages I should remove exactly?

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