On Sat, Jan 26, 2008 at 09:18:58PM +0100, Huub wrote:
> Hi,
> After a quite some time of not using the machine, I decided to update a 
> PentiumIII pc running FreeBSD 6.2. Starting with "portupgrade -R 
> firefox" it ends with:
> [Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 685 packages 
> found (-0 +1) . done]
> --->  Skipping 'graphics/cairo' (cairo-1.4.10) because a requisite 
> package 'xorg-libraries-7.2_1' (x11/xorg-libraries) failed (specify -k 
> to force)
> --->  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/pango' (pango-1.16.5) because a requisite 
> package 'cairo-1.4.10' (graphics/cairo) failed (specify -k to force)
> --->  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/gtk20' (gtk-2.10.14) because a requisite 
> package 'pango-1.16.5' (x11-toolkits/pango) failed (specify -k to force)
> --->  Skipping 'www/firefox' (firefox-,1) because a requisite 
> package 'pango-1.16.5' (x11-toolkits/pango) failed (specify -k to force)
> ** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
>         ! x11/xorg-libraries (xorg-libraries-7.2_1)     (unknown build 
> error)
>         * graphics/cairo (cairo-1.4.10)
>         * x11-toolkits/pango (pango-1.16.5)
>         * x11-toolkits/gtk20 (gtk-2.10.14)
>         * www/firefox (firefox-,1)
> --->  Packages processed: 34 done, 61 ignored, 4 skipped and 1 failed
> So, starting to look for information about xorg-libraries, I've searched 
>  in /usr/ports/CHANGES, MOVED and UPDATING but found nothing. Can 
> someone please tell me how to get on with this?

First off, you should probably update your ports tree. Firefox is now
at,1, and xorg-libraries is at 7.3_1.

Then try the upgrade again. If it still fails, show us the errors from
the xorg-libraries build.


Daniel Bye
                                              ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
                                         - against HTML, vCards and  X
                                - proprietary attachments in e-mail / \

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