Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..realpath: 
/tmp/a/ports/www/apache2: No such file or directory
realpath: /tmp/a/ports/www/apache2: No such file or directory
realpath: /tmp/a/ports/www/apache2: No such file or directory
realpath: /tmp/a/ports/www/apache2: No such file or directory
realpath: /tmp/a/ports/www/apache2: No such file or directory
............. many lines the same ........................

Dear FreeBSD,

    Are the above messages indicating anything I should worry 
about?  They come up often when I am running portinstall or 
pkgdb -F.

    What can I do to eliminate them?

    Thank you,

Wayne M Barnes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    fax: (314) 754-9556
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