On 7/28/06, User Freebsd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 28 Jul 2006, Atom Powers wrote:
> My shop runs 30+ FreeBSD hosts, and I have several more for personal
> use. But of those there are maybe 2-3 that I would be ok with listing
> and exactly zero that I will actually list. It's not that I don't want
> to help, but I'm not going to run a process like that on a production
> server.
It is definitely your perogative, but I'm curious as to why not? You have
the source code for the client, so its not some sort of 'spyware' that is
sitting running on your machine ...
The over riding question here is not "why not" but "why". A package
like this doesn't help the server run faster or better. It is another
piece of code that has to be audited and maintained. I take a very
minimalist approach to my systems.
How about this, ask the portsnap mirrors how many connections they
get. Since portsnap is already in the base system and is now the
preferred ports update method, you can get a much better aproximation
(although still very under-represented) of how many hosts are out
Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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