On Fri, 28 Jul 2006, Nikolas Britton wrote:
My shop runs 30+ FreeBSD hosts, and I have several more for personal
use. But of those there are maybe 2-3 that I would be ok with listing
and exactly zero that I will actually list. It's not that I don't want
to help, but I'm not going to run a process like that on a production
What about sending something as simple as uname -mr?
'k ...
uname -mr
6.1-STABLE i386
The only way this idea will work is if we put some code in the base
system that sends something generic every few months. for example.
Send 'uname -mr' to stats.freebsd.org every 3 months. It would be very
easy to 'opt out', perhaps stats_enable="NO" in rc.conf.
Alternatively we could make it 'opt in' at install time. The installer
could add stats_enable="YES" to rc.conf when someone answers yes.
The actual code to implement this is trivial, something like a few
lines of shell script and a config file that lists the next send date.
This config file can be checked during the monthly periodic and if
needed trigger the stats script to send the anonymous data and update
the next send date in the config file. If the stats script can't find
a path out it should update the next send date and then die.
Why not just have it as part of the monthly_periodic itself ... have it
send a copy to a central address as well as to the admin itself, with the
message containing a note on how to disable it in /etc/rc.conf, and have
it opt_in by default?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.org ICQ . 7615664
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