Jerry McAllister wrote:
if i enter single user mode it dasen't seem to recognize many commands:
starrtx, ee, pico, emacs etc so i cannot change my /etc/fstab in case this
is the problem.
Yes. Generally none of those extra things are availiable in single user.
Single user is minimal and does not have services started nor anything
but root mounted and root is mounted in a special non-write way.
You need to learn enough 'vi' editor to fix problems in these types
of situations because generally vi will be available even when the
others are not usable.
Whoops! Are you sure about that last statement?
whereis vi
vi: /usr/bin/vi /usr/share/man/man1/vi.1.gz /usr/src/usr.bin/vi
So, in single-user without /usr mounted, how is he
going to run vi(1)? And if /usr *is* mounted, you can
call pico, emacs, whatever, (even vi) provided $PATH
is established or you care to call 'em directly.
I hereby admit to being a vi wimp. I did memorize 'q:!',
for obvious reasons; and, this isn't about an editor war,
Personally, I moved a binary of e3 (ports/editors/e3) into
/bin and created the following:
cat /bin/ee
--- so I wouldn't have to deal with ed(1) if stuck in
Kevin Kinsey
Then there was the Formosan bartender named Taiwan-On.
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