> Jerry McAllister wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  
> >>   if i enter single user mode it dasen't seem to recognize many commands: 
> >> starrtx, ee, pico, emacs etc so i cannot change my /etc/fstab in case this 
> >> is the problem. 
> > 
> > Yes.   Generally none of those extra things are availiable in single user.
> > Single user is minimal and does not have services started nor anything
> > but root mounted and root is mounted in a special non-write way.
> > 
> > You need to learn enough 'vi' editor to fix problems in these types
> > of situations because generally vi will be available even when the
> > others are not usable.    
> Whoops!  Are you sure about that last statement?
> whereis vi
> vi: /usr/bin/vi /usr/share/man/man1/vi.1.gz /usr/src/usr.bin/vi

Yup.   It is in /usr/bin
I guess, I am so used to putting a copy of vi in /bin shortly after
installing a new system that I assume it is always there.

Anyway, in this poster's situation it should be possible to also

  fsck -p /usr
  mount /usr

in addition to the other things mentioned and then 'vi' and some
of the others would be available - but not things that need services


> So, in single-user without /usr mounted, how is he
> going to run vi(1)?  And if /usr *is* mounted, you can
> call pico, emacs, whatever, (even vi) provided $PATH
> is established or you care to call 'em directly.
> I hereby admit to being a vi wimp.  I did memorize 'q:!',
> for obvious reasons; and, this isn't about an editor war,
> either.
> Personally, I moved a binary of e3 (ports/editors/e3) into
> /bin and created the following:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]/bin]
>     cat /bin/ee
>     #!/bin/sh
>     /bin/e3pi
> --- so I wouldn't have to deal with ed(1) if stuck in
> single-user.
> Kevin Kinsey
> -- 
> Then there was the Formosan bartender named Taiwan-On.
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