On Thursday 13 April 2006 14:17, Svein Halvor Halvorsen wrote:
> On 4/13/06, Bob Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think that if only one person questions this, their response
> > will be that there aren't enough FreeBSD users to worry about. 
> > If several question it (politely), it might get a little
> > attention somewhere above the front-line customer service level.
> >
> > Anyway, the answer I got is not highly enlightening.  The most
> > significant paragraph (I think):
> >
> >    Please note that it is your option whether to install Flash
> > Player on your FreeBSD; however, please note that we cannot
> > provide you with any technical support, warranties or remedies
> > for the software, although it is clearly stated on the End User
> > License Agreement, the only authorized operating systems where
> > you may download and install Flash Player.
> >
> > I'm pretty sure they are telling me that is up to me whether or
> > not I break the law. I already knew that.
> When I emailed them about this, I was first told that FreeBSD was
> not tested and therefor not supported. But when I clarified my
> question, stating that the issue is a legal one, not a technical
> one, they told me thet the EULA must be respected. (What else could
> they have said?).
> They were understanding, though, and asked me to file a feature
> request for the Flash team, to support FreeBSD, which I did.
Where do you go to file this feature request?

Anish Mistry

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