On 4/12/06, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 02:11:12PM -0400, Andy Reitz wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Ashley Moran wrote:
> >
> > > On Wednesday 12 April 2006 15:15, you wrote:
> > > > I forwarded this license issue to an engineer I know there. His
> > > > response was positive. We'll have to see how it goes with their
> > > > management and legal.
> I lost track of the above email, but keep portmgr@ and the port
> maintainer in the loop with developments on this front.

I submitted a query to Adobe customer support via their web site.  The
reply I got stated in part:

"Please note that Flash Player 8 is not supported in FreeBSD, thus it
not mentioned on the End User License Agreement that Flash Player can
download and installed on the operating system.  It is not that the
web player is prohibited in FreeBSD, but the operating system itself
is not compatible with Flash Player."

I have replied to them to point out that this statement is incorrect,
that FreeBSD is entirely capable of running Flash Player, but FreeBSD
users such as I are now prohibited from using Adobe products.  I asked
them if they want me to stop using it -- it will be interesting to see
what they say.

I also pointed out that if that was not their intent, they should
consider changing the wording of the EULA.  I think that if everyone
who is speculating about this on this list were instead to submit
their requests for clarification (not threats) to Adobe's customer
support, it might get some attention from Adobe.

- Bob
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