Lisa Casey wrote:
Next I need the supfile. I took a look at
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile (I think that's what I want)
Look at and edit '/usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile'
there you need to change the line with
to the host nearest to you.
but that looks like something that is going to upgrade the entire system
(as I said - probably a good idea but I just don't want to do that now,
I just want to update my ports).
That supfile will only update your ports tree in /usr/ports.
The file /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile e.g.
would update your files in /usr/src, your system's source tree.
Can't I just update the ports without updating the entire system?
Yes, see above.
I'ld appreciate it if someone on this list could straighten out my
You're on the right track. Maybe check out the handbook again at:
You can use CVSup to update the source trees of both your system
(/usr/src) and your ports (/usr/ports).
So you have a cvsup file for each file tree, src->stable-supfile,
ports->ports-supfile. That's basically it.
Lisa Casey
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