On 7/5/05, Antony Mawer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/07/2005 12:26 AM, Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > What is the correct procedure to follow for migrating user accounts
> > from one FreeBSD 4.x system to a new FreeBSD 4.x system ? We're
> > sticking to 4.x due to legacy issues(Netware) in case I get asked.
> > Didn't see answer to this in the FAQ's or Handbook and google answers
> > seem sketchy.
> Hi there,
> I noticed you mentioned "legacy issues - Netware" as your reason for
> sticking with 4.x. Do you have any more information on why it's
> necessary to stick with 4.x for this? We currently run a large number of
> production systems on 4.x and rely heavily on Netware support; if it's
> no longer functional in FreeBSD 5.x/6.x then that's a serious
> show-stopper for us!
Last time I tried using NWFS, NCP and friends on FreeBSD 5.x it didn't
work. It was a known problem but after doing some googling I came
across this:


Unfortunately I need to know that it WILL work and not maybe. When I
have time I will do some tests with FreeBSD 5.x again. Also, even if
it did work I doubt it would be stable enough yet to put in a
production enviroment.

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