To answer my own posting. Simply copy(keeping correct permissions)
/etc/passwd, /etc/master.passwd and /etc/group to the new system
making sure you have a backup of the original if anything goes wrong.
Then run pwd_mkdb -p /etc/passwd which will update /etc/pwd.db,
spwd.db. I then rsync'ed all home directories and all is well.


On 7/5/05, Nelis Lamprecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the correct procedure to follow for migrating user accounts
> from one FreeBSD 4.x system to a new FreeBSD 4.x system ? We're
> sticking to 4.x due to legacy issues(Netware) in case I get asked.
> Didn't see answer to this in the FAQ's or Handbook and google answers
> seem sketchy.
> Thanks.
> Nelis
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