Old Chucky replied to the following I posted:
>> As I stated earlier...I'm rather new to BSD...but one of the reasons I
>> changed fromn Linux -> bsd was merly the fact that I thought the
penguin was
>> more evil than Beasty. Then again...that is just me. ;)

This was his reply...
>I cannot really believe that the above response, with it's obvious
>self-inconsistencies, was done seriously.  On the off chance that
>perhaps it was, ask yourself, would you really WANT a person who
>believes that a Penguin logo in and of itself constitutes a good reason
>to switch, along with us in FreeBSD?  I would be embarrassed to admit
>that such a person is an associate of mine, wouldn't you?.

Let me think about it...mmm...done.
Any "Free" OS is there for anyone to use. Agreed. Thus you don;t have to
be associated with anyone else. Neither do I have to be associated with
you...etc...pun intended.

For me to post a serious replie about the fact that the penguin is more evil
than beastie...I'm sure I got the right (as it is my oppinion). Eventhough
I replied in the same manner as I read the question to be. Silly!
For any one to waste their time on replying to this fight over a demon,
daemon or demonic penguin would be ... Silly...so that is why I posted.

I would rather see this thread die out and see one as yourself (Chucky old
pal) to reply to a previous question I posted about Multiple Simultaneous
Users on One PC. Think before you replie again. plz.

Thanks in advance.
Tertius van Zyl
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