On Wednesday 6 July 2005 03:06, Mike Hauber wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 July 2005 08:29 pm, you wrote:
> > It's the imposing upon from religious groups (and well, let's
> > say that I don't think they're muslims) that I find not only
> > annoying but, yeah, downright dangerous. Throwing out 2-3
> > centuries of enlightenment and scientific advance is not a good
> > idea.
> >
> > Greets,
> >
> > Dan
> Come on, now...  Just because someone is a Christian, it doesn't
> mean he/she's a quack.  _Every_ religion has their extremists.  I
> don't think it's very cool to knock whole societies of faith
> (regardless of what faith it is) based on the whims of the few
> who are too narrow-minded to see past their glasses...
> Thanks,
> Mike

I agree. They can think whatever they want. That's fine with me. But like I 
said, they have no right to impose their belives upon others and certainly 
not upon a group of people who provide something technical (like an OS) for 
free. They have no right to do that, they have every right to think what they 
want to think. So have I. Religion should be merely a private matter. And if 
so I have the highest respect for someone doing or not doing or undoing or 
redoing something out of religious belief.

And yes, most religious people (muslim, jew, christian, both catholic or 
reformed) *are* much more moderate than their leadership. So, when are they 
going to stand up? It's their movement, not mine. It's their sense of 
justice, not mine. Are they so diverted that they've lost beforehand? 

As long as they don't I reckon they agree with their extreme leadership. And 
they surely insult and condemn me (a secular gay gay who has been in a 10 
year happy and monogam relationship with one person so far thank you how many 
rednecks can say that? -- not implying you are one). So I find a little 
offensive here certainly not unappropriate. It's probably needed. The 
American Taliban is not all that far away. In fact they're quite powerful, 
more than the "moderates" seem to think.



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