On Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 05:17:30PM +1000, Stanley Hopcroft wrote:

> Please would you let me know which FM to read or how to define a
> sendmail mailer with FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE-p1 ?
> I have tried adding sms.m4 (to define an SMS mailer) to
> /usr/share/sendmail/cf/mailer and adding a mailer(sms) to
> /etc/mail/freebsd.mc.

As far as I can tell, you're doing everything right.  At least, it
worked for me when I tried to reproduce what you did.

If you generate your sms.m4 file as before and save it into
/usr/share/sendmail/cf/mailer/ --- I take that you do have the


line at the top of the file but were perhaps a bit too enthusiastic
editing down your message.

So, now if you add:


as the last line of /etc/mail/freebsd.mc and then run:

    cd /etc/mail
    make freebsd.cf


    tail -20 freebsd.cf 

should show your mailer definition.



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