Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Please would you let me know which FM to read or how to define a sendmail mailer with FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE-p1 ?
I have tried adding sms.m4 (to define an SMS mailer) to /usr/share/sendmail/cf/mailer and adding a mailer(sms) to /etc/mail/ Here is the mailer :- $ cat /usr/share/sendmail/cf/mailer/sms.m4 .. yada .. # Hacked from fax.m4 # ifdef(`SMS_MAILER_ARGS',, `define(`SMS_MAILER_ARGS', $u )') ifdef(`SMS_MAILER_PATH',, `define(`SMS_MAILER_PATH', /usr/local/sms/bin/') ifdef(`SMS_MAILER_MAX',, `define(`SMS_MAILER_MAX', 1000)') POPDIVERT #################################### ### SMS Mailer specification ### #################################### VERSIONID(`@(#)sms.m4 1.00 (Berkeley) 6/15/2000') Msms, P=SMS_MAILER_PATH, F=lms, M=SMS_MAILER_MAX, A=SMS_MAILER_ARGS Here is the :- .. yada .. define(`confBIND_OPTS', `WorkAroundBrokenAAAA') define(`confMAX_MIME_HEADER_LENGTH', `256/128') define(`confNO_RCPT_ACTION', `add-to-undisclosed') define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `authwarnings,noexpn,novrfy') MAILER(local) MAILER(smtp) MAILER(sms) LOCAL_RULE_0 .. yada .. Adding MAILER_DEFINITIONS as recommended by /usr/share/sendmail/cf/README also failed to produce a response to grep /^Msms/ I think I also tried putting the raw m4 mailer definition - not using the MAILER() macro - in below MAILER DEFINITIONS. Thank you, Yours sincerely. -- Stanley Hopcroft To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message