
           What    |Removed                     |Added
 Attachment #173546|0                           |1
        is obsolete|                            |
 Attachment #173780|                            |maintainer-approval+
              Flags|                            |

--- Comment #17 from ---
Created attachment 173780
Patch adding pkg-message

I still cannot solve a seemingly trivial and common problem.

The port installs a Python script as /usr/local/bin/mayavi2. I want to rename
it as /usr/local/bin/ and install a shell script which is a wrapper
for the renamed Python script. I cannot find a way to do it so that both
scripts are added correctly to the auto generated plist, registered in the
package and in the pkgng database.

The original script is created directly to the stage dir, it does not exist in
the build dir. And this process is buried deeply in the with many
libraries, so few hours were not enough for me to find out how this can be
changed to do the new task.

My current proposal is to just add a pkg-message informing about the need for
the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gcc48. The new patch
adds pkg-message.

Please comment. Particularly I'm interested to learn how a wrapping script can
be made.

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