On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:23:58 +0900 Koichiro Iwao <m...@freebsd.org>
> is it possible to run dos2unix to patches fetched from PATCH_SITES?
> or how can I change order of patch and dos2unix.
> I would like to apply dos2unix-ed patches to dos2unix-ed source.
> Alternatively, applying patch first and then running dos2unix on
> patched-source is OK to me.
> Patches fetched from PATCH_SITES have .patch suffix so I added *.patch
> to DOS2UNIX_GLOB but it didn't work.
> USES= dos2unix
> DOS2UNIX_GLOB= *.c *.h

You could add the patches to DISTFILES instead of PATCHFILES and then
maybe do-extract will just copy them to WRKDIR, but if not, you can set
EXTRACT_ONLY to the original distfile and copy the patches to WRKDIR in
post-extract.  Then dos2unix should work and you can add the WRKDIR
patches to EXTRA_PATCHES.
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