On 2019-Jan-1, at 10:21, bob prohaska <fbsd AT www.zefox.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 09:49:03AM -0800, bob prohaska wrote:
>> Setting MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT=2 allowed www/chromium to compile 
>> successfully over
>> several days. The -DBATCH option was used, in hopes it'd fetch the right 
>> options. 
> Just for fun I added a mechanical hard disk with a 4 GB swap partition and 
> re-ran
> the www/chromium compilation with MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT unset, to see what 
> happens.
> OOMA was turned off with vm.pageout_oom_seq="2048" in /boot/loader.conf.
> After ~11 days the process finished. Log files of gstat output and make 
> output are at 
> http://www.zefox.net/~fbsd/rpi3/swaptests/r342204/chromium/mech_sd/
> in case anyone's curious. The log files are around 100MB, it seems quickest 
> to download 
> them to look around. Swap use peaked at 3522008 kB. If gstat is to be believed
> the bottleneck appears to be the mechanical hard disk, which showed near
> 100% busy when the microSD swap partition was around 15% busy. Apart from a 
> few
> "indefinite wait..." warnings on the console there was no indication of 
> errors.
> As a further test, I'ved added two additional USB flash swap devices and am 
> re-running
> the compilation of www/chromium. The swap layout is quite lopsided, with the 
> USB flash
> devices having only 2 GB swap partitions on each, contrasting to the 4 GB 
> swap partitions
> on the microSD card and mechanical disk. 
> The first oddity is that top doesn't seem to see the extra swap space, 
> reporting only 
> 7192M total.

If you start top before changing the swap space (swapon or
swapoff), top does not change to match: it does not monitor
the swap space total size over time. But I've no other clue
to the ordering that actually occurred.

> Swapinfo does seem to plausibly report swap status as
> Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
> /dev/mmcsd0s2b    4404252    52228  4352024     1%
> /dev/da0p1        4194304    50848  4143456     1%
> /dev/da2p5        2097152    28232  2068920     1%
> /dev/da1f         2097152    28060  2069092     1%
> Total            12792860   159368 12633492     1%
> after running overnight.
> "indefinite wait..." warnings on the console have returned in abundance with 
> the use
> of USB flash swap, even though swap usage is still less than 200MB. 

You might want to report the types/models of the USB flash devices that
were in used. Also relevant is the past usage pattern and amount of
prior use on the USB flash devices.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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