## bob prohaska (f...@www.zefox.net):

> > See bsd.ports.mk: DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS (as in "make -DDISABLE_MAKE_JOBS").
> >
> Thank you, I think that's the information needed. Come to think of it, 
> will the -j option, such as -j2, work in this situation also? Two threads
> are much better than one 8-)

If you had looked into bsd.port.mk yourself... right below the docs of
DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS (line 814) is some documentation for MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER
and MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT. -j won't help because there's a lot of
arguments sanitizing going on - we can't be having with random arguments
showing up down in the port's make invocations - quite often, it's
not even "our" make down there.


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