On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 5:09 PM Joseph Ward <jbwli...@hilltopgroup.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm creating some internal-only ports and I'm trying to maintain the
> permissions and owners of the files present in the distfile.tar.gz when
> they get packaged up for install.
> When I "make extract", the "do-extract" target is performing a chmod and
> chown on everything, as seen from the following excerpt from the
> bsd.port.mk file:
> .if !target(do-extract)
> do-extract: ${EXTRACT_WRKDIR}
>         @for file in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \
>                 if ! (cd ${EXTRACT_WRKDIR} && ${EXTRACT_CMD}
>                 then \
>                         exit 1; \
>                 fi; \
>         done
>         @if [ ${UID} = 0 ]; then \
>                 ${CHMOD} -R ug-s ${WRKDIR}; \
>                 ${CHOWN} -R 0:0 ${WRKDIR}; \
>         fi
> .endif
> Short of commenting those lines out (which I really don't want to do
> because I have 0 idea why it's there or what I'd break with other ports)
> is there any way at all to maintain the ownership of the files?
> Thanks,
> Joseph Ward

Hi Joseph,

Your best bet is to use plist keywords. See
for details.

You can set owner/group on individual files in the pkg-plist:
  @(ownername,groupname,444) path/to/file
Or you can set it on a block of files:
  @group groupname
  @owner ownername

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
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