On Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:06:44 -0400
Joseph Ward <jbwli...@hilltopgroup.com> wrote:

> When I "make extract", the "do-extract" target is performing a chmod
> and chown on everything, as seen from the following excerpt from the
> bsd.port.mk file:


> Short of commenting those lines out (which I really don't want to do
> because I have 0 idea why it's there or what I'd break with other
> ports) is there any way at all to maintain the ownership of the
> files? 

If the ownership is well defined and not complex, you could add a
post-extract: target in your Makefile and fix up the ownerships then.

Or, you could override the do-extract: target with your own, and
extract the files as you want (probably replicating part of the real
do-extract: target).
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