> On 7 Dec, 2017, at 6:36, Lars Engels <lars.eng...@0x20.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 07:51:15AM -0500, Baho Utot wrote:
>> On 12/07/17 04:30, Johan Hendriks wrote:
>>> Op 07/12/2017 om 00:51 schreef Mel Pilgrim:
>>>> In the midst of all the negative noise, I thought I'd post and say
>>>> thank you for bring in this feature.  I've been chomping at the bit to
>>>> try flavours out since I heard about them.  I started flavouring my
>>>> company's internal Ports Tree extension the evening after it landed.
>>>> Flavours are going to reduce 18 server role metaports to 3.
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>>>> freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
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>>> Do you have a web page where flavours are explained nicely for non
>>> technical FreeBSD users so that they can also see the benefits of
>>> flavour. I think it is a little odd that a big change like this is not
>>> mentioned in any way on the front page of FreeBSD.
>>> I really believe things are better this way albeit i did not read and
>>> understand it in a whole. I also believe flavours are nice in a multi
>>> server envirement and on the desktop.
>>> The negative noice comes from people who USE FreeBSD on a single machine
>>> or maybe 2 and are now confronted with there old habbits not working
>>> anymore.
>>> Give those people a walkthrough how they can run poudriere. Best without
>>> out a server but just a oneliner they need to remeber for future
>>> updates. They do not want to spend too much time reading and trying to
>>> update there system.
>>> If FreeBSD has done that i think that was lot less negative noice on the
>>> channels.
>>> Secondly I want to thank you all for the great product FreeBSD is and it
>>> is a great product thanks to all the time people infest into FreeBSD.
>>> So thank you all. But i also hope FreeBSD learns from these big changes.
>>> If FreeBSD want a larger userbase, single machine users are there. And
>>> they do not want to spend an hour reading through a poudriere man page.
>>> They just want to type pgk upgrade, portmaster -d -a, or maybe poudriere
>>> update ports for all that matters.
>> users also don't want to wake up to the fact that what worked a few days 
>> ago not is working ie fetch/update port repo run synth and then get a " 
>> What the fuck has just happened now" only to be put down by the so 
>> called folks in charge here for even asking.
> I think we all understood your point. Please come back if you have
> something new to say.


I didn't get your original message because you're routed to /dev/null on my

Your tone is increasingly hostile, and you need to rein in your vitriol.

You've told this list multiple times that you're leaving. Either leave now, or
change your tone on this list. If you want to complain about how flavors ruined
your life, fine, but insulting the people who created it is inappropriate and
not tolerated on this list. You're welcome to send me as much hate mail as you'd
like, but keep it off the list.

This list is for helping users create or use ports. It is not your personal
soapbox, and if you can't control your emotions, then it's time for you to
walk away.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger

freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
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