On 12/07/17 04:30, Johan Hendriks wrote:
Op 07/12/2017 om 00:51 schreef Mel Pilgrim:
In the midst of all the negative noise, I thought I'd post and say
thank you for bring in this feature.  I've been chomping at the bit to
try flavours out since I heard about them.  I started flavouring my
company's internal Ports Tree extension the evening after it landed.

Flavours are going to reduce 18 server role metaports to 3.
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Do you have a web page where flavours are explained nicely for non
technical FreeBSD users so that they can also see the benefits of
flavour. I think it is a little odd that a big change like this is not
mentioned in any way on the front page of FreeBSD.
I really believe things are better this way albeit i did not read and
understand it in a whole. I also believe flavours are nice in a multi
server envirement and on the desktop.
The negative noice comes from people who USE FreeBSD on a single machine
or maybe 2 and are now confronted with there old habbits not working
Give those people a walkthrough how they can run poudriere. Best without
out a server but just a oneliner they need to remeber for future
updates. They do not want to spend too much time reading and trying to
update there system.
If FreeBSD has done that i think that was lot less negative noice on the

Secondly I want to thank you all for the great product FreeBSD is and it
is a great product thanks to all the time people infest into FreeBSD.
So thank you all. But i also hope FreeBSD learns from these big changes.
If FreeBSD want a larger userbase, single machine users are there. And
they do not want to spend an hour reading through a poudriere man page.
They just want to type pgk upgrade, portmaster -d -a, or maybe poudriere
update ports for all that matters.

users also don't want to wake up to the fact that what worked a few days ago not is working ie fetch/update port repo run synth and then get a " What the fuck has just happened now" only to be put down by the so called folks in charge here for even asking.

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