On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 08:41:16AM +0200, Romain Tartière wrote:
> I'll investigate quickly if it is possible to not use install.rb at all
> (it works well on Debian when installing puppet with `gem install
> puppet` after all).  If it's possible, I'll get rid of install.rb for
> the sake of simplicity, and if not, I'll tweak install.rb to do the
> things we expect it to do.

A fix that addesses the main issues was committed:

I am currently building packages and updating the nodes I manage in
order to catch any regression, and will commit this in the ports tree as
soon as I am sure nothing breaks!

Romain Tartière <rom...@freebsd.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
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