
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 09:09:59AM -0700, Zach wrote:
> On Tue 19.Sep.17 17:28, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> > Recently I've been noticing hundreds of these messages that SirDice reports 
> > in
> > this thread on ask.puppet.com:
> > https://ask.puppet.com/question/31933/gettextsetup-warnings/
> Indeed, I was looking at this about an hour ago.
> ;/

I am missing the initial context so please forgive me if this is out of

I guess this problem is partly fixed with the update to 5.2.0, not in
the Ports tree yet (for sysutils/puppet5).  I just found a few more
problems, I will try to address them tomorrow before leaving to

There where a few problems:
  - The locales are installed in a weird location
    (/usr/local/share/locale would be more usual than
  - Some files should not be installed into this directory
    (/var/puppet/share/locales/config.yaml and
    /var/puppet/share/locales/puppet.pot as far as I understand).

  1. The locales directory itself has not the usual layout (e.g. no
     LC_MESSAGES subdirectory);
  2. The installed files are not the good ones (.po instead of .mo)
  3. I was not able to switch language by setting LC_ALL / LANG to
     Japanese (the only locale that is currently installed).

As I said in the beginning I found a few more problems, and points 2 and
3 seems to be fixed with some efforts.  I'll try to integrated this in
the puppet5 port in the GitHub repo!

Romain Tartière <rom...@freebsd.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
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