
> > > I ask for little advice.
> > > I wrote web manager X.509 certificates http://minica.unix7.org/ and 
> > > created a freebsd port for it.
> > > 
> > > 1. Who could check quality and security of this code?  
> > 
> > The committer would check the port quality etc.
> Next dummy question from novice, excuse me =)
> How to become a new committer for a new port?

There are two roles: The maintainer (the person that decides what
changes go into a port), and the committer (the person that
has commit rights to the freebsd port repository).

For a new port, the submitter of the new port is normally also the

I found your port and patches at


and will have a look, anyway (if I find the time).

> > Submit patches via bugs.freebsd.org for the two ports, and
> > the maintainers will decide if they include them.
> If they do not answer for a long-long time?

Then the PR / patch runs into a maintainer timeout (14 days) and any
committer can override the maintainer (if the patch is valid).

> Or the committer will have a bad mood?

There are more committers, so one committer is hopefully not the bottleneck.
If one committer is not doing the job, poke another one to ask to take over. 

> So already it was some times.

If you have cases like that (and I'm guilty of that as well),
post the PR number here and some other committer will pick it up.

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !
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