On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 09:28:59 +0200
Kurt Jaeger <li...@opsec.eu> wrote:

> Hi!
> > I ask for little advice.
> > I wrote web manager X.509 certificates http://minica.unix7.org/ and created 
> > a freebsd port for it.
> > 
> > 1. Who could check quality and security of this code?  
> The committer would check the port quality etc.

Next dummy question from novice, excuse me =)

How to become a new committer for a new port?

> Security would be the task of 'the many eyes of open source'. I think
> there's no other, realistic way to get a code review.
> > 2. If quality the code is sufficient to be included in freebsd ports, then:
> > For the port it is necessary patches for two perl-ports ("good patches, 
> > yes" =),
> > what is the order of my actions?  
> Submit patches via bugs.freebsd.org for the two ports, and
> the maintainers will decide if they include them.

If they do not answer for a long-long time?
Or the committer will have a bad mood?

So already it was some times.
The minica application depends on patches for Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA & 

> Submit a shar file for the new port, also via bugs.freebsd.org.
> Post the PR numbers as a followup to this mail 8-)

With best regards,

Oleg Borodin
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