> On 18 May, 2017, at 12:25, Adam Weinberger <ad...@adamw.org> wrote:
>> On 18 May, 2017, at 12:22, Luca Pizzamiglio <luca.pizzamig...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> node6 is the LTS, node is the current. From a stability point of view,
>> node6 is the choice, but node (7) is already widely used.
>> Probably, the best solution would be to provide the desired node
>> version via Mk/bsd.default-versions.mk and then all ports depends to
>> the common version (like perl, python, ...).
>> In the meanwhile, node can be the new default for yarn and the
>> conflict will be solved (and it will be coherent with npm)
> Luca,
> You're completely right, we really need a USES=node (and there are multiple 
> attempts at it currently floating around). In the meantime, I think you're 
> making the right choice setting www/node as the yarn default.
> # Adam

Committed in r441191. Thanks, Luca.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger

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