It is just semantics.

That may be but as illustrated in this thread people maintain
unreasonable expectations of portmaster which they often blame on the
ports subsystem.

I never understood why people went ape-**** over it, unless they don't
understand what "deprecated without expiration" actually means.

Perhaps then this is the crux of the issue.  From my experience
"deprecated" means only that something will not appear in a future
version of the OS.  It implies nothing about the suitability of the
software itself.  "deprecated without expiration" is a contradiction.

If Torsten drops maintainership then some sort of "strong" warning should come with that drop. I would be satisfied with adding a descriptive DEPRECATED message myself.

TZ or no TZ we should drop the deprecation notice until it has an
expiration date and clarify the warning terms (ASAP).  At least that
way, when a thread like this comes up in the future, the only response
needed would be a pointer to the install message.

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