On 6/12/2015 8:44 PM, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm a maintainer of squid port and I'd like to ask you about default
> squid options turned on by default.
> Squid 4 is in release candidate stage now and we already have an
> initial port for it here
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=203860.
> So, how do you think, what options should be turned on by default?
> I think the main idea should be if option doesn't invoke any
> additional dependency it should be turned on.
> However, there are options like TP_{IPF,IPFW,PF} which mean
> 'Transparent proxying with {IPF,IPFW,PF}'. They don't invoke any
> dependency.
> If you have GENERIC kernel and world, of course.
> Well, I know, we can't satisfy everyone, so default option set have to
> be guided by common sense and  appropriate for the most.
> But there are FreeBSD based OSs like pfSense, FreeNAS, etc..
> Should we think/care about them? To be honest I've never used them. I
> can misunderstand something.
> Same story with GSSAPI_BASE. It needs kerberos from base system, that
> can absent in others FreeBSD bases OSs.
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I've put an RFC call out on twitter and pinged OPNSense and pfSense:


+1 on:

* ON if no additional dependencies
* Support downstream products where possible. They are consumers too
that benefit the FreeBSD ecosystem.
* If customs kernels without prerequisites bits can be identified at
port build / package install time, add those bits for robustness and
optional pkg-message for a great user experience
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