Pavel, Thank-you for providing the opportunity to provide feedback. I think that there could be a reasonable argument for: 1) Turning on all options to ensure that the port will build, and most "ports consumers" can expect the functionality they need. Presumes that the consumer will customise the port. 2) Enable the minimal useful options, so that out of the box there is minimal functionality. Assuming basic/no network complexity. Might be sufficient for people starting their FreeBSD journey. 3) Enable options that provide the best coverage for the most common scenario of use, carries assumptions of network and authentication/authorisation use. 4) Turn on only those options that the maintainer uses, as that is what has been thoroughly tested. 5) Turn off all options, forcing a consumer to enable what they need. (Largely counter-productive)
Over the years I've seen options 1-4 being used, however I would "vote" for 3 - most common (sense) use case :) If using transparent proxying requires a custom kernel, then I think its reasonable to expect that the port/package should also be customised to suit the FW choice. Should we care about what FreeBSD "distributions" require? Yes, to the extent that the options that they require, function correctly; particularly when the requirements are mutually exclusive. To your point about kerberos, I build ports against the heimdal port, and the package content is correctly linked, per. # ldd /usr/local/libexec/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth /usr/local/libexec/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth: => /usr/local/lib/heimdal/ (0x2807f000) => /usr/local/lib/heimdal/ (0x28085000) => /usr/local/lib/heimdal/ (0x280c4000) ... As FYI, this is what I enable AUTH_KERB=on: Install Kerberos authentication helpers AUTH_LDAP=on: Install LDAP authentication helpers AUTH_SASL=on: Install SASL authentication helpers AUTH_SMB=on: Install SMB auth. helpers (req. Samba) EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples FS_AUFS=on: Enable AUFS (async-io) support IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support KQUEUE=on: Enable kqueue(2) support SSL=on: Enable SSL gatewaying support SSL_CRTD=on: Use ssl_crtd to handle SSL cert requests and I would not expect these options to be enabled by default ;) Thank-you for maintaining squidXX it is a port with a lot of useful options. Kind regards, Dewayne PS Selecting the language option(s) would be nice to reduce the package size, perhaps error_dirs?= and error_dir_links?= but I digress. On 6 December 2015 at 20:44, Pavel Timofeev <> wrote: > Hi! > I'm a maintainer of squid port and I'd like to ask you about default > squid options turned on by default. > Squid 4 is in release candidate stage now and we already have an > initial port for it here > > > So, how do you think, what options should be turned on by default? > > I think the main idea should be if option doesn't invoke any > additional dependency it should be turned on. > However, there are options like TP_{IPF,IPFW,PF} which mean > 'Transparent proxying with {IPF,IPFW,PF}'. They don't invoke any > dependency. > If you have GENERIC kernel and world, of course. > Well, I know, we can't satisfy everyone, so default option set have to > be guided by common sense and appropriate for the most. > > But there are FreeBSD based OSs like pfSense, FreeNAS, etc.. > Should we think/care about them? To be honest I've never used them. I > can misunderstand something. > > Same story with GSSAPI_BASE. It needs kerberos from base system, that > can absent in others FreeBSD bases OSs. > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" > _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""