On 01.12.2015 12:11, Carmel NY wrote:

I'm sorry Ricky. I tried to contact you already, but hotmail.com blocked
my mailserver. And it is as always surprisingly hard to even find the
removal request form...

Why is it being blocked? What was the error code or other information related
to the blocking? There are numerous articles describing being blocked by
"hotmail" as well as other ISP, etcetera, but no one can really help you
unless you explain what the problem is.

The error code is 550 SC-001. This is quite funny, because my mail-server is not listed at any spam/blocklists and in the last week there were only 5 emails send to hotmail/outlook.com by a customer using the mail-server.
(Yes, i could not write to you either)

I'm getting quite tired to keep up with the various changes and obscure policies of other mail service provider. Yahoo for example changed their policy, making usage of mailinglists nearly impossible.

I wasn't seeking for help on this issue - sorry if this was misleading. I just make a promise to Ricky and want to give feedback, that i tried to accomplish it, but were slowed down by technical (and schedule) issues.

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