Hello Ricky,
Thank you very much for your script!
I took a short look at it and have some questions/suggestions:
Line 119/120: There you're burning an if. I have more skill in bash
than in sh - but is there no negation possible?
Honestly, the main reason I started this is to just see what I could
do. Feedback is most appreciated as improving my skills is one of my
goals here. Bash and sh are extremely similar, this is most likely
lack of knowledge on my part. Do you mind explaining further?
That is a good attitude :) I am doing this also just to get in touch
with something new and learn.
As a professional trainer there is a trick in learning: whenever a
question arises - by yourself or by another person: take the chance and
look for it. So you will remember the answer much better. :)
If you need a programming-mentor for this project feel free to contact
me off-list.
To answer my own question, yes there is
You wrote:
if [ -d "${PORTSDIR}" ]; then
Which directly skips the if condition without doing something.
Rewrite it with:
if ! [ -d "${PORTSDIR}" ]; then
This will test if the dir is non existent - exactly what you want! :)
Line 162: BUILD_LIST="`(cat ${PATCH_FILE} | grep -o '^Index:[ ].*'
| sed 's/Index: // ; s/Mk.*// ; s/Tools.*// ; s/Templates.*// ;
s/Keywords.*//' | grep -o -e '.*\/.*\/' | sed 's/.*\/.*\/files\/$//
; s/\/$//' | sort | awk '!a[$0]++')`"
This line is relative complicated. Is there any reason not to let
svn do the work? Like: BUILD_LIST="`${SVN} status | grep -o -e
'.*\/.*\/' | awk '{ print $2 }'`> Your way is faster (and more
accurate, since i'm currently too short on time), but the other way
would allow applying multiple patches and manual changes without
any problems. But i'm not sure if this is really needed.
Using the diff file instead of svn is of course faster because there
has much less data to go through. I was considering adding multiple
diff support. Going to take a closer look at this. Do you think its
more important to focus on the diff file or the port tree for
generating a build list?
That is a hard question. I asked for svn because i am from Germany and
facing often problems with umlauts. My lastname is "Zühlsdorff" but i
rewrite it for non-german person and programs to "Zuehlsdorff". Sounds
the same, means the same.
Back to the core of the question: encoding problems.
Can you guarantee that cat and sed work correctly on files with for
example an "ü" or containing something like '合気道'? ;)
Using svn avoids this problem, because in the portstree you could not
find filenames with such characters.
An additional though: you are assuming that everything is fine with the
input. It accepts all tracks of my music folder without any hestination
as a patch-file. ;) Okay, patching fails - but i tries hard and the new
versions provides much binary trash through the "cat" after failing.
I don't believe we must make it bullet proof. Here we need some input
from Craig about the way and environment the script will be used in.
The main reason I didn't want to use the
port tree, at least in my case, is because I have so many ports that
are not sync'd with the current FreeBSD tree.
Okay, but therefore you added the PORTSDIR variable?
Line 201: svn revert -R would do the same, both of our approaches
have a problem: the ignore for example added files.
Yeah, I agree. This is a big problem with added patchfiles. I added a
"Hard Revert" (-R) option that I was considering making make the
default that should fix this problem. Can you check and see if it
does for you?
I will check this.
I know some people maybe weary of the rm -rf command,
It is also why I added so many checks on a properly set port tree. Do
you think it would be better to just do this "Hard Revert" and remove
the other option? Thanks for the feedback!
The revert option should do what they say: reverting. The technical
details are the second step. As a rule of thumb: do not lie. When you
claim to revert do this. If this needs an rm than do the rm.
I'v already started
working on 0.0.2! I just finished adding better failed patch output.
Going to also add a option to override the scripts portsdir, and add
support for multiple diff files, and take another look at my
BUILD_LIST to make it simpler. Keep the feed back coming please! =]
That are great news :)
One last question: is there any reason you choose this license? The
FreeBSD license contains just the first 2 paragraphs which makes
redistribution much easier. Especially paragraph 3 makes you script for
example incompatible with the GNU licensed programs.
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