On 6/29/2015 2:22 AM, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> hi all,
> A couple of new features are coming to the ports tree. The first of which has
> landed in the ports tree and should not be used before a while, still before 
> we
> start using it, it would be a very good idea to bring support for it to
> portmaster/portupgrade. (I have already done the change in poudriere and it 
> will
> be in te next version.)
> So since recently we can remove the ${PORTSDIR} from all the dependency lines.
> (Please do not use that syntax before all the tools are able to handle it!)
> Aka BLA_DEPENDS= pattern:${PORTSDIR}/category/port can now become
> pattern:category/ports
> I haven't checked portmaster/portupgrade code so I have no idea if they will
> support that out of box or if they will need some changes.
> I would really appreciate to see people testing that and provide patches if
> necessary so that the day we adopt this syntax those tools are already ready 
> to
> use it ootb.
> FYI: https://github.com/freebsd/portmaster and
> https://github.com/freebsd/portupgrade
> Later more changes will be necessary to support upcoming VARIANTS (formerly
> known as FLAVOURS) and sub packages.
> This first step would allow you to step into the code of those tools before 
> the
> having to deal with more intrusive changes :)

I have not forgotten about this. I plan to look into it in the next few

Bryan Drewery

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